Defoliation caused by the gypsy moth has been detected in the South Dennis, Clermont and South Seaville areas of Dennis Township. According to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture the gypsy moth is a highly injurious insect that feeds on and severely defoliates many species of trees normally found in forested residential areas.
Studies show that the most successful way to reduce gypsy moth populations in heavily infested areas is through communitywide action. Township officials have submitted a request to the Department of Agriculture for a gypsy moth egg mass survey to be conducted in the residential and recreational areas of Dennis Township. If it is determined from the survey that treatment is needed aerial sprays with biological insecticide, Bacillus Thuringiensis, will be considered.
To report additional areas of defoliation due to gypsy moths please call the Township of Dennis at (609) 861-9700. Additional information regarding integrated pest management and other control methods for homeowners can be found at