Autumn scene of a lake

Resurfacing Of East Creek Mill Road CR 670 AKA 347

Notice Of Public Information Center For East Creek Mill Road  (C.R. 670) Resurfacing Improvements Phase 1
Route 47 To Mile Post 1.35
Township Of Dennis

The County of Cape May County will be hosting a Public Information Center (PIC) on June 12, 2024  between the hours of 4:00pm to 6:00pm  t the Cape May County Commissioner’s meeting room located at the County Administration Building, 4 Moore Road, Cape May Court house. The purpose of the PIC is to discuss a planned resurfacing project of East Creek Mill  Road (CR 670) in the Township of Dennis. The PIC is a required public outreach since the project will be receiving Federal construction funds.

The resurfacing of East Creek Mill Road will occur in two phases, the project limits for the first phase will extend from Route 47 to Mile post 1.35. This PIC is primarily intended to address the Phase 1  construction. At a later date, there will be another meeting to discuss the second phase of construction.  The Phase 1 project scope includes milling the existing paving to a depth of 5” and installing a new paving surface. The roadway footprint will not be expanded and there will be no major changes to the roadway elevations. During the public information meeting, plans of the proposed project will be available for review and professionals will be on hand to answer any questions raised by the public.  Plans of the proposed Phase 1 work will also be available on the Dennis Township web site to view prior to, and after the meeting.