Please be advised, the State has adopted legislation that has made it possible for The Township to hold Committee Meetings via electronic means. Therefore, the Dennis Township Committee will be holding a year end close out meeting via Zoom on December 30, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in accordance with the law.
There are several options for the public to attend this meeting and interact if need be:
Option 1) Join the video conference and be able to see, hear, and participate during the meeting. This is how the Township Committee Members will be participating in the meeting.
1). Download the “Zoom Cloud Meeting” app on your phone or computer.
2). Sign up for a free Zoom account.
3). Log into the meeting at or before 2:00 pm using the following:
Meeting ID: 870 6135 4883
Password: 827481
Option 2) Join the meeting over the telephone. You will be able to hear and speak during the meeting, but not see the video.
1). Call (929) 205-6099 from any telephone:
2). Enter the meeting ID: 870 6135 4883
3). Enter the password: 827481
4). It will ask you for a participant ID. You can enter a number of your choosing or just hit #.
If you have any questions, please email Township Clerk Jackie Justice at .