Autumn scene of a lake

Notice Of Commencement Of Construction And Detour Tyler Road (Cr 611) Resurfacing

Tyler Road (CR 611) in the Borough of Woodbine and Dennis Township will be undergoing roadway resurfacing beginning on Friday July 21st.  The work activity extends along the entirety of Tyler Road, from U. S. Route 47 to Cr 557 (Washington Avenue)

The work involves the milling and paving of the lanes and shoulder areas.  The shoulder areas will be milled deep enough in order to accommodate a new bituminous base course and surface course. The travel lanes will be milled to allow for a new surface course. Local traffic will be maintained during construction and residents will always have access to their properties. Emergency service vehicle access will also be maintained.  However, during active periods of construction, only north bound thru traffic will be maintained.  South bound thru traffic will be detoured.

Traffic wishing to turn onto Tyler Road from Route 47 in order to head north on Tyler road will be permitted to do so.  Traffic heading south on Washington Avenue (Cr 557)and wishing to turn south onto Tyler Road will be detoured and will continue on Washington Avenue south to Route 47. Traffic will then be directed east onto Route 47 and can continue along Route 47 back to Tyler Road, where they will be permitted to proceed north on Tyler Road

Work on Friday is anticipated to begin at the northern end of Tyler Road and proceed south  toward Route  47. Normal working hours are expected to be from 7:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru Friday.  At the end of each work day, two way traffic will be restored along Tyler Road.  The work activity is expected to last approximately 4 weeks. During the construction activities, a 2” drop off may exist between the shoulder and travel lanes.  Motorist are advised to proceed with caution.