Security Articles & Information
To better inform, educate and protect our residents, we are offering this section of our website to help address a likely a lack of understanding of how the scammers do their business.
We are providing various articles that we think might be of interest to the Dennis Township communities and citizens. There is a monthly online newsletter called the SANS OUCH newsletter. It’s very basic information with a new topic every month. Here is the website for the past newsletters: You can also get to this page from the “Online Scams & Security” link at the menu at the top of all pages on this website.
If you would like to make a complaint about cyber crime, please go to:
Free Rabies Clinic
Saturday, January 25 from 1-3pm at the Municipal Building Side Door
Shopping Online Securely
The holiday season is nearing. Soon millions of people will be looking to buy the perfect gifts, and many of us will shop online. Unfortunately, cyber criminals will be active as well, creating fake shopping websites and other online shopping scams to steal your information or money. Learn how you can find good deals without becoming a victim.
OUCH! Newsletter: Identity Theft
What is Identity Theft? Identity theft happens when a criminal steals information about you and uses that information to commit fraud, such as requesting unemployment benefits, tax refunds, or a new loan or credit card in your name. If you don’t take precautions, you...
I’m Hacked. Now What?
No matter how secure you are, sooner or later you may have an accident and become hacked. Below are clues you might have been hacked and if so, what to do. If you suspect you have been hacked, stay calm; you will get through this.
Slam the Scam!
The Inspector General of Social Security has designated a National “Slam the Scam” Day to warn Americans about widespread phone scams where callers impersonate government officials, to gain your trust and steal your money.
Securing Your Mobile Devices
Your mobile devices are an amazing and easy way to communicate with friends, shop or bank online, watch movies, play games, and perform a myriad of other activities. Since your devices are such an important part of your life, here are some simple steps to keep you and your devices safe and secure.
Stop That Phish
Email and messaging services are one of the primary ways we communicate. Since so many people around the world depend on these technologies, they have become one of the primary attack methods used by cyber attackers.
Stop That Malware
You probably have heard of terms such as virus, Trojan, ransomware, or rootkit when people talk about cyber security. These are different types of malicious programs, called malware, that cyber criminals use to infect computers and devices. Once installed, they can do whatever they want. Learn what malware is, what danger it poses, and most importantly, what you can do to protect yourself from it.
Email Oops, and How to Avoid Them
Email is still one of the primary ways we communicate, both in our personal and professional lives. However, we can often be our own worst enemy when using it. Here are the four most common mistakes people make with email and how to avoid them.
Am I Hacked?
Just like driving a car, sooner or later you may have an accident no matter how secure you are. Below are clues to help figure out if you have been hacked and, if so, what to do. The sooner you identify something bad has happened, the more likely you can fix the problem.